Saturday, 6 December 2014

That's a lot of creepy crawlies: THIRTY new species of spider found in less than a square mile of Chinese rainforest Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

If you have trouble coping with a spider in your bath, be glad you don't live in the Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest in China. Scientists have recently identified 30 new species of arachnid in less than a square mile of the mysterious forest in the southern part of Yunnan. And they believe many more are yet to be discovered in the biodiversity hotspot - called Mengbanaxi in ancient times, meaning a 'miraculous utopia' and also known as 'the Kingdom of Tropical Fauna and Flora'.The team, from the Institute of Zoology with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have warned that the find highlights how many undiscovered creatures are being lost to the world for ever, due to the destruction of the rainforests for logging and farming. Professor Shuqiang Li, of the academy, based in Beijing, said: 'The amazing biological diversity we have witnessed during our work on spiders in the area is perhaps only a part of what Xishuangbanna tropical rainforests hold.' Read more:

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