Saturday, 13 December 2014

Blakeney Point seals to star in BBC Winterwatch

Pioneering filming techniques are set to be used to capture a record-breaking seal colony in north Norfolk for the new season of the BBC's Winterwatch. Military-grade thermal imaging will be used for the first time to film thousands of seals on the Blakeney Point National Trust reserve at night. Producer Bill Markham said the technology allowed for "an intimate view" that was previously impossible. More than 1,756 pups have been born at the reserve so far this winter. The number has already broken the 2013-14 season total of 1,566 with at least another two of months of pupping still to go. An additional 700 pups have been born further around the coast at Horsey which is "slightly up" on the same time last year, said Eilish Rothney from the Friends of Horsey Seals group.READ MORE-http:///news/uk-england-norfolk-30310463Seal pup at Blakeney

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