Saturday, 6 December 2014

Electric eels 'remotely control their prey'

A jolt from an electric eel does more than stun its prey, scientists say.
A study, reported in the journal Science, has now shown that eels can use their electric organs to remotely control the fish they hunt.
A researcher from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, found that the electric discharges from eels made the muscles of their prey twitch.
This makes the fish easier to capture either by immobilising it or making it "jump" to show where it's hiding.
Kenneth Catania, who led the study, set up small aquatic arenas to test the eels' hunting abilities - putting an eel and an unfortunate fish into the same tank.
Electric eel and fish (c) Kenneth CataniaElectric eels "reach into the nervous system" of their prey
When they spotted their prey, the eels released pulses of electricity that appeared to immobilise the fish.
Further study revealed that the eels' electric pulses directly activated the nerves that controlled their prey's muscles.
"When the eel's pulses slow down - when the eel gets tired at the end of its attack - you see individual fish twitches, with one twitch from every pulse," said Dr Catania.
"That tells us that the eel is reaching in to the prey's nervous system, controlling its muscles."
In further observations of the eels' hunting strategies, Dr Catania noticed that the hungry creatures would emit pairs of pulses when their potential meal was out of view.
"People had known since 70s that eels give off these pairs of pulses - or doublets - as they explore looking for food," he said.
"Usually when they're excited and they know that food is around but can't -READ MORE-

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