magine what an expert on ancient Babylonian cuneiform tablets might look like and you’ll probably come up with someone like Irving Finkel. His long white beard, Professor Calculus glasses and boyish enthusiasm were endearingly on show in The Real Noah’s Ark: Secret History(Channel 4), which told the story of the most extraordinary discovery of his career.
In 2009, Finkel got hold of a clay tablet about the size of an iPhone dating from around 1750 BC. He immediately recognised its inscriptions as instructions on how to build an ark to survive a deluge – how much rope to use, what shape the Ark should be and, most intriguingly, that the animals should embark “two by two”. We’ve known for 200 years that the flood story in Genesis probably derives from earlier accounts, but this was an exciting new piece in the jigsaw.
Finkel was a delight on screen, whether donning hi-tech glasses to examine the tablet in large-scale 3D or describing with grim relish how Babylonians skinned their unfortunate Jewish captives alive. It was while they were in captivity in Babylon, he argued, that Jews heard the flood story, and when they eventually returned to Jerusalem they turned it into the tale of suffering and redemption we know from the Bible.
Just as things were getting really interesting, though, the programme-makers swerved from historical analysis into a version of Grand Designs and decided to build the Ark according to the tablet’s direction. It seemed an excessively literal approach. While it was mildly diverting seeing them build the coracle-shaped boat – its round shape designed to float rather than travel anywhere – what exactly were they building? Contrary to the title, it wasn’t Noah’s Ark but a Babylonian prophet’s – and one which clearly couldn’t have accommodated two of every animal in the world.
So the key question about the “real” or “mythic” nature of the tablet’s story was left unanswered. To find out more you have to turn to Finkel’s recent book on the subject, which argues that the instructions were not practical guides but aides to make the story sound convincing – what literary critics call “the reality effect”. Interestingly, the Bible cuts out the physical detail because it’s more interested in metaphysical truths. For me that transformation is the most fascinating aspect of the story, and it was unfortunate to see it lost on television.READ MORE-
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