Saturday, 14 March 2015

genus Callicebus-Callicebus miltoni: New Species of Titi Monkey Discovered in Brazil

iti monkeys, or the titis, represent one of the most diverse Neotropical primate groups, with 32 species currently recognized. These tree-dwelling monkeys are small – between 9 and 18 inches (23-46 cm) tall, but are striking due to their coloration. They are primarily fruit eaters, have long, soft fur and live in small family groups consisting of a monogamous pair and their offspring. These monkeys prefer dense forests near water and easily jump from branch to branch, earning them their German name, jumping monkey. They sleep at night, but also take a midday nap. In 2011, Dr Dalponte and his colleagues from the Institute for the Sustainable Development of Mamirauá (ISDM) and the Emilio Goeldi Museum spotted an unusual looking titi monkey on the east bank of the Roosevelt River, whose coloration did not match any known species.READ MORE- Milton’s titi monkey (Callicebus miltoni), compared to geographically neighboring species – the Prince Bernhard’s Titi Monkey (Callicebus bernhardi) and the ashy black titi (Callicebus cinerascens). Image credit: Stephen D. Nash.iti-monkey-callicebus-miltoni-new-species-brazil-02574.html

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