Saturday, 8 November 2014

New Loch Ness Monster photo emerges suggesting creature could exist

Whether or not it actually exists, the Loch Ness Monster has become a pop culture staple. The creature has been mentioned in several works of literature, music, and movies which has helped to keep interest in the Loch Ness Monster steady. Now, though, there may be new evidence to support that the legendary Scottish creature does exist. According to a Nov. 7 report, new photographic evidence of the creature has emerged. The photograph in question shows what appears to be the head of a creature peeking out from the rough waves of the Loch. Jonathon Bright took the photograph three years ago and it took him six months to sift through all the images that he took while in Scotland. This is the one photo which showed possible evidence of the monster, but Bright makes it clear that he is not touting this photo as evidence that the Loch Ness Monster is indeed real. “Some people will say it is physical and the monster, others will say it is a trick of the water, others will say it is a hoax. It is what it is and I hope to find more proof now and in the future about what the Loch Ness Monster really is,” Bright explained. While the photograph may not be of the best quality, it does provide a jumping off point for folks who want to discuss the possibility of the existence of the creature. Speaking to Scotland Now, Bright seemed to echo those sentiments saying, “Of course, a picture alone will never be able to stand out as unambiguous evidence, let alone provide adequate answers to all of our questions on the exact nature of the phenomenon that we call Nessie. Whatever is the truth, there is no denying that Nessie will continue to intrigue the world for years to come." There is no doubt that Jonathon Bright is correct with that statement. It isn’t just the Loch Ness Monster that intrigues the world, however, but a lot of people are interested in several animals that are studied by cryptozoologists. Cryptozoology is the study of “hidden animals” and includes not only the Loch Ness Monster, but also Big Foot, Ogopogo, and the giant anaconda. While most people do not take the study of these creatures seriously, there have been instances where animals that were thought to not exist were discovered in the wild. These include the giant squid, the okapi, and the Komodo dragon. Will the Loch Ness Monster one day join these former creatures and be found to exist?

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