cryptozoology and related subjects-researched by myself FOLLOW LINK TO FACEBOOK GROUP -
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Fears over the future of North Sea dolphins despite numbers staying stable
THE population of bottlenose dolphins in the North Sea is still listed as vulnerable, according to conservationists.
The sea off Scotland's east coast is home to about 200 bottlenose dolphins which draw around £4 million for the local tourist-driven economy.
They are the world's most northerly bottlenose dolphins and the European Union (EU) has designated the Moray Firth as a special area of conservation (SAC) to protect the species.
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) must report on their condition every six years and an interim report ahead of the next full publication in 2018 indicates that the population has remained stable over the last quarter of a century. Photographs and markings on the dolphins' fins indicate 102 individuals used the SAC in summer 2011, rising to 112 in 2012 and falling to 94 in 2013.
Long-term trends since 1990 indicate the numbers appear to be stable but the population is still considered to be vulnerable, SNH said.
Morven Carruthers, from SNH's marine team, said: "Dolphins in the Moray Firth SAC have been the focus of intense research for many years now and over that time the numbers using the SAC appear to have remained stable. This is a tribute to the people, organisations and relevant authorities around the Moray Firth."
Are seals mutilating and killing porpoises? Scientists investigate
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Yet again the persuit of cloning a Mammoth appears on t.v.This time via a documentary called WOOLLY MAMMOTH ON C4 OR 4od.This will give you an insight on how cloning techniques could see the return of the MAMMOTH.Made possible via a corpse of this creature called BUTTERCUP,a very well preserved MAMMOTH found in SEBERIA,RUSSIA,Last year.O NE OF DOING THIS IS TO 1-REMOVE NUCLEUS FROM EGG OF A FEMALE ASIAN ELEPHANT.2 INSERT A SKIN CELL FROM A MAMMOTH INTO EGG.3 IMPLANT THE EMBRYO INTO A ASIAN ELEPHANT THEN WAIT 2 YEARS.Dont hold out much hope as more science fiction then fact.
Brown bears return to Chernobyl after a century away
FIVE new-species-found-under-our-noses
If you want to discover a new species, try going for a walk. You might well spot something.
While around 1.2 million species of living organisms have been identified and described, there are probably far more waiting to be found. One recent study estimated there are another 6.8 million animals, 567,000 fungi and 90,000 plants awaiting discovery. New species are being found at a rate of 15,000 to 20,000 per year.
While most are found in remote environments like rainforests, caves and the ocean depths, other discoveries happen much closer to home. Here are five examples of new animals, plants and fungi found living under our noses.-READ MORE-
ascetoaxinus quatsinoensis-New clam species found off of B.C.'s coast
Melissa Frey, curator of invertebrates at the Royal BC Museum, was cataloguing a number of species about four years ago when she noticed something different about the tiny clam.
"I looked at the unusual scalloping and I thought this was definitely special," she said in an interview Wednesday.
"It's unusual enough and I compared it to everything that has previously been described on the West Coast of North America ... and it didn't match up to anything that was there."
To the untrained eye, the clam doesn't look much different than others. It's the same chalky white colour as many other clams and about the same length and height as a walnut in the shell.
Frey asked for the opinion of Graham Oliver, a world expert on bivalves at the National Museum of Wales, who confirmed it was a new species.
The two recently co-wrote an article on the clam, which has been published in the journal Zootaxa.
Only one of the clams has ever been found, and she said researchers often don't like to publish new species descriptions based on one specimen.
"But in certain cases, when you're in a certain situation where the environment is so far away and it's not an area that we get to very often, and we don't know that much about the relative abundance of these animals.
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A British paleontologist has discovered not one, but two new species of dinosaur while studying fossils in a Canadian museum. Dr Nick Longrich was examining fossilised bones from two horned dinosaurs, which had been kept in the Canadian Museum of Nature for 75 years. And he found that, while they had previously been classified as a species from Canada, they more closely resembled dinosaurs from the American south west - suggesting they are a new species. Read more:
Dr Nick Longrich was examining fossilised bones from two horned dinosaurs, which had been kept in the Canadian Museum of Nature for 75 years.
And he found that, while they had previously been classified as a species from Canada, they more closely resembled dinosaurs from the American south west - suggesting they are a new species.
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Saturday, 22 November 2014
Lies, Damned Lies, and Cryptozoology
Plesiosaurs, like mermaids, Megalodon, and a representative democracy, don’t really exist anymore, but Baird’s Beaked Whales do, and you’re looking at one.
The internet is a double-edged sword of enlightenment and ignorance. It has the capacity to educate millions in ways never before possible, making science accessible, understandable, and relevant. At the same time it infects the public with idiocy, lies, pseudoscience, and the malevolent intention to mislead (kind of like Discovery Channel). Disinformation is a zombie. It is the resurrected body of mysteries solved, arguments settled, and bad science disproved, marching through half-baked websites and ‘shared’ by newly-infected readers not yet schooled in the truth, spreading fabrications and misinterpretations that eat away at the integrity of science and rot the brains of the masses.
Among the many internet zombies gnawing on science and pseudoscience blogs, the one I’ve battled is the “mystery’ of the “Moore’s Beach Monster” (sometimes called the “Santa Cruz Sea Serpent”), touted as a living plesiosaur in the modern world, a remnant of the age of dinosaurs in the 20th Century, and proof that ancient beasts still live among us. It has become a perennial icon for conspiracy-paranoid cryptozoologists and fundamentalist creationists. In fact, there never was a plesiosaur, and even upon its discovery, the remains of a decomposing beached carcass was shown most definitively not to be a plesiosaur, but dozens of internet sites still push the plesiosaur hoax. I get enough inquiries about the reptilian validity of the Moore’s Beach Monster every year that even the Travel Channel tried to help me debunk it in an episode of Mysteries at the Museum.READ MORE-
Helvella dryophila.-New mushroom species found on Berkeley's campus
New shrimp species discovered in SA
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Taxidermy and cryptozoology merge in unusual hobby
, Paroedura hordiesi.-New nocturnal gecko species discovered in Madagascar
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Vintana sertichi =Fossil From Dinosaur Era Reveals Big Mammal With Super Senses
Dinosaurs that roamed Madagascar more than 66 million years ago had a most unusual fuzzy mammal living in their shadows—one so large, and with such strange features, that scientists say they could have never predicted its existence.
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That is, until 2010, when a team of scientists looking for fish fossils accidentally collected its nearly complete skull from a site along Madagascar's west coast.
Since then, researchers have learned that the groundhog-like critter had supersensory capabilities, with a large portion of its brain devoted to smell, and that it weighed about 20 pounds (9 kilograms)—much more than most mammals alive during the age of the dinosaurs.
"Not only does it have bizarre features, it's bizarre in being so humongous," says vertebrate paleontologist David Krause of Stony Brook University, in New York, who reports the find Wednesday in the journal Nature. Krause compares the critter's appearance to nutria, which are semiaquatic rodents, or an overgrown groundhog. "It's Punxsutawney Phil on steroids," he jokes.
What's more, the lucky find is helping paleontologists fill in the mammalian evolutionary tree, especially during the age of the dinosaurs.-READ MORE -
First Europeans 'weathered Ice Age'
Bats sabotage rivals' senses with sound in food race
Bats were "jammed" the moment they were about to hone in on their insect prey, making them miss their target.
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Listen to the bat's jamming sound
The rival that emitted the call was then able to capture and eat the insect for itself.
This is the first time scientists have witnessed this behaviour in one species - the Mexican free-tailed bat - a team reports in Science journal.
When bats swoop in darkness to catch prey, they emit high-pitched sound waves - a process called echolocation - which speeds up as they get closer to their target. This well-known skill is vital for them to hunt for food and to navigate their environment. This new research shows that others can effectively push them off their tracks mid-hunt.
Lead author of the work, Aaron Corcoran from Wake Forest University in North Carolina, was initially studying moths when he heard these bat calls.
"One bat was trying to capture an insect using its echolocation. The second bat was making another sound that looked to me like it might be trying to jam or disrupt the echolocation of the other bat," said Dr Corcoran.
"Most of the time when another bat was making this jamming call, the bat trying to capture the moth would miss", he added.READ MORE-
New Loch Ness Monster photo emerges suggesting creature could exist
Whether or not it actually exists, the Loch Ness Monster has become a pop culture staple. The creature has been mentioned in several works of literature, music, and movies which has helped to keep interest in the Loch Ness Monster steady. Now, though, there may be new evidence to support that the legendary Scottish creature does exist. According to a Nov. 7 report, new photographic evidence of the creature has emerged.
The photograph in question shows what appears to be the head of a creature peeking out from the rough waves of the Loch. Jonathon Bright took the photograph three years ago and it took him six months to sift through all the images that he took while in Scotland. This is the one photo which showed possible evidence of the monster, but Bright makes it clear that he is not touting this photo as evidence that the Loch Ness Monster is indeed real.
“Some people will say it is physical and the monster, others will say it is a trick of the water, others will say it is a hoax. It is what it is and I hope to find more proof now and in the future about what the Loch Ness Monster really is,” Bright explained.
While the photograph may not be of the best quality, it does provide a jumping off point for folks who want to discuss the possibility of the existence of the creature.
Speaking to Scotland Now, Bright seemed to echo those sentiments saying, “Of course, a picture alone will never be able to stand out as unambiguous evidence, let alone provide adequate answers to all of our questions on the exact nature of the phenomenon that we call Nessie. Whatever is the truth, there is no denying that Nessie will continue to intrigue the world for years to come."
There is no doubt that Jonathon Bright is correct with that statement. It isn’t just the Loch Ness Monster that intrigues the world, however, but a lot of people are interested in several animals that are studied by cryptozoologists.
Cryptozoology is the study of “hidden animals” and includes not only the Loch Ness Monster, but also Big Foot, Ogopogo, and the giant anaconda. While most people do not take the study of these creatures seriously, there have been instances where animals that were thought to not exist were discovered in the wild. These include the giant squid, the okapi, and the Komodo dragon.
Will the Loch Ness Monster one day join these former creatures and be found to exist?
New Species of Deep-Sea Coral Discovered Off California
SAN FRANCISCO — Scientists have discovered a new species of deep-sea coral in underwater canyons off the Northern California coast, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Wednesday. A NOAA research team using small submersibles found the coral in September near national marine sanctuaries off the coast of Sonoma County, the agency said.
The coral from the genus Leptogorgia was discovered about 600 feet deep in the first intensive exploration of underwater canyons near the Gulf of Farallones and Cordell Bank national marine sanctuaries. Collecting data on the 4-inch-long white and red coral will help scientists determine the ecological importance of deep sea communities in the area and the threats they face, said the Farallones sanctuary's superintendent, Maria Brown. Before the research expedition two months ago, scientists knew little about the marine life in the area, NOAA said. After multiple dives in the area, researchers also found a "highly unusual" nursery area for catsharks.
Image: A new species of deep-sea white coral found off the coast of Sonoma County, California NOAA VIA AP
A new species of deep-sea white coral found by NOA
A researchers off the coast of Sonoma County, California.
Sydney region's first new plant find in decades
The discovery of Sydney's newest plant was not a quick or simple exercise.
Andrew Robinson, a bushland officer with the Ku-ring-gai Council, was on his first visit to a nature reserve back in 2006 when his eyes fixed on a "straggly little thing" less than a metre from the track.
Kneeling down, Mr Robinson examined the plant up close. Clearly a native hibbertia, it was one the then-24-year-old couldn't identify from the thousand or so plant species he'd memorised.
Julian's Hibbertia in full flower in the Ku-ring-gai Council region.
Julian's Hibbertia in full flower in the Ku-ring-gai Council region. Photo: Wolter Peeters
"I've just been a plant nerd basically my entire life," said Mr Robinson, a keen bushwalker formerly from Narara near Gosford. "From about the age of 7or 8 ... I remember thinking how cool it would be to come across a new plant and have it named after myself."
Research and further visits to the reserve failed to produce a species to match the one Mr Robinson had spotted. What he needed, though, was to catch the plant in flower, which took another three years of luck and patience.
Flowers "are so crucial in ID-ing hibbertia species," Mr Robinson said. "It's how many stamens and carpels [the male and female parts of the plant] are present inside the flower, and their arrangement."
Still finding no close resemblance in the plant record, Mr Robinson's confidence he was "on to something funky" grew. The soils and other vegetation in the reserve – the location of which the council wishes to keep secret – were other clues he was dealing with at least a regionally significant species.
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Northam, Devon, UK
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Egg shape 'helped birds survive' asteroid impact
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Could sound design help captive rhino breeding?
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Sclerobunus steinmanni,2 new daddy longlegs species found in Colorado caves.
DENVER - Just when you weren't itchy enough, Denver Museum of Nature & Science biologist David Steinmann had to go and discover two new species of daddy longlegs inside Colorado caves.
Sclerobunus steinmanni, named after Steinmann, was found in a rocky cave on City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks land. DNA studies show this species evolved for millions of years while slowly adapting to the underground environment. It is orange and yellow, and very different looking from the daddy longlegs most familiar to people.
Steinmann identified a second new species in the Cave of the Winds in Manitou Springs, living deep underground in total darkness. This species was named Sclerobunus speoventus, derived from the Latin words for cave and wind, and lives in parts of the cave seldom visited by people.
Lateral and ventral views, S. speoventus, paratype
Lateral and ventral views, S. speoventus, paratype (Cave of the Winds, CO), arrow indicates curved subapical spines.(Photo:
"Although Cave of the Winds has long served as a popular visitor destination in the Pikes Peak region, it is not surprising that new discoveries of life are being made in sections of the cave not open to the public," said Rick Rhinehart, author of Colorado Caves. "Additional study of caves is critical to better understand our world and the species that live in unusual places."
WDENVER - Just when you weren't itchy enough, Denver Museum of Nature & Science biologist David Steinmann had to go and discover two new species of daddy longlegs inside Colorado caves.
Sclerobunus steinmanni, named after Steinmann, was found in a rocky cave on City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks land. DNA studies show this species evolved for millions of years while slowly adapting to the underground environment. It is orange and yellow, and very different looking from the daddy longlegs most familiar to people.
Steinmann identified a second new species in the Cave of the Winds in Manitou Springs, living deep underground in total darkness. This species was named Sclerobunus speoventus, derived from the Latin words for cave and wind, and lives in parts of the cave seldom visited by people.
"Although Cave of the Winds has long served as a popular visitor destination in the Pikes Peak region, it is not surprising that new discoveries of life are being made in sections of the cave not open to the public," said Rick Rhinehart, author of Colorado Caves. "Additional study of caves is critical to better understand our world and the species that live in unusual places."
With assistance from Dr. Frank Krell and Dr. Paula Cushing, scientists at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Steinmann has found more than 100 new invertebrate species in Colorado caves. Jeff Stephenson, Denver Museum of Nature & Science collections manager, added these new species to the Zoology Department's arachnid collections in 2008. Steinmann, his wife Debbie, and their 11-year-old son Nathan frequently explore caves to find new life-forms, going where no one has ever looked before.
San Diego State University scientists Shahan Derkarabetian and Dr. Marshal Hedin recently named the new species of daddy longlegs in the journal PLOS ONE.
"Finding a new species does not require traveling to the rain forest. There is still so much to be discovered right here in America," explained Steinmann.ith assistance from Dr. Frank Krell and Dr. Paula Cushing, scientists at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Steinmann has found more than 100 new invertebrate species in Colorado caves. Jeff Stephenson, Denver Museum of Nature & Science collections manager, added these new species to the Zoology Department's arachnid collections in 2008. Steinmann, his wife Debbie, and their 11-year-old son Nathan frequently explore caves to find new life-forms, going where no one has ever looked before.
San Diego State University scientists Shahan Derkarabetian and Dr. Marshal Hedin recently named the new species of daddy longlegs in the journal PLOS ONE.
"Finding a new species does not require traveling to the rain forest. There is still so much to be discovered right here in America," explained Steinmann.
New species of frog found in ... NYC
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