Saturday, 11 October 2014

The Táchira Predator-Tachiraptor admirabilis

Some of the dinosaur rests discovered in Venezuela (Photo: Royal Society Open Science)
The Táchira Predator
An international scientific group found the archaeological remains of a completely new species of dinosaur in the west of Venezuela, as announced Wednesday the Royal Society Open Science journal.
“Here, we report isolated bones (ischium and tibia) of a small new theropod, Tachiraptor Admirabilis, which differs from all previously known members of the group by an unique suite of features of its tibial articulations.” says the investigation.
Since the remains were found in the Venezuelan region of Táchira, the dinosaur was named “Tachiraptor admirabilis”, or Great Táchira Predator.
The group was formed by scientists from Brazil, Venezuela, the United States and Germany. According to their investigation, the “Tachiraptor” could be an ancestor of the T-Rex.
The rests of the Táchira Predator were found after a 20-year investigation in La Quinta formation. The scientists expect that new dinosaur species will be found in the formation within the years.

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