cryptozoology and related subjects-researched by myself FOLLOW LINK TO FACEBOOK GROUP -
Sunday, 29 June 2014
10 Monsters People Claim Are Real (That Totally Don’t Exist)
New Species of Moth Discovered In Appalachian Mountains
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Butterflies use magnetic compass to fly across America
“Start Quote
Prof Steven ReppertUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolThis is a marvellous piece of biology. It's like a work of art. It's inspiring and can teach us important things”
8 Terrifying Monsters That Could Exist
New gecko species found in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra
New species of mammal 'uncovered in Papua New Guinea' forest, scientists say
Meet the tiny mouse-like creature with a TRUNK: New species is more-New-species-closely-related-elephant-shrew.
But scientists have only just discovered a new species of elephant shrew – or round-eared sengi - in the remote deserts of south western Africa.
Cute: Scientists have discovered a new species of elephant shrew - or round-eared sengi (pictured) - in the remote deserts of south western Africa
Cute: Scientists have discovered a new species of elephant shrew - or round-eared sengi (pictured) - in the remote deserts of south western Africa
The Etendeka round-eared sengi, or Macroscelides micus, was found in a remote part of the Namid Desert in south western Africa.
It is the smallest of all elephant shrews or sengis.
The animal is the third new species of sengi to be discovered in a decade.
It has rust-coloured fur, a large, hairless gland on the underside of its tail and lacks dark skin pigment.
Genetic analysis showed important differences between this specimen and close relatives.
Sengis are restricted to Africa and despite their small size, are more closely related to elephants, manatees (known as sea cows) and aardvarks than they are to true shrews.
The Etendeka round-eared sengi, or Macroscelides micus, was discovered by scientists from the California Academy of Sciences. It is the third new species of elephant shrew to be found in the wild in the past de
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Friday, 27 June 2014
I n an aticle read Mutant Rats are immune to conventional poisons -overthe counter not one use only by trained people.70 million -Super-R ats-live in 17 counties in U.K.Females can have 2,000 offspring a year.Dr.Dougie Clarke -Rise Of The Super Rats-Tonight-Thursday ,June 26-Tested rats found in Yorkshire,Nolfolk,Kent were Mutant and without new poisons may need to be killed by traps or by hand.
Ancient exrement -Faeces-found in a dig in Spain.Found chemical traces of meat and plant digestion.Dispiting claim that early humans eat purely meat but partially discredited due to plant remains found in caves,teeth-Journal Plos
Sunday, 22 June 2014
The mysterious animals of cryptozoology examined
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However, the simple consideration that just about 250 years ago the classified animal species amounted approximately to one thousand, should lead to a more conservative and less dogmatic approach, not forgetting that still nowadays new species are being discovered every year.
The purpose of this article is to analyze evidence and testimony concerning some peculiar animals and then, in the second part, examine reports about the alleged presence of strange beings that do not seem to be mere animals.
The Loch Ness Monster
Scientists are reporting that they have discovered a new species of horned dinosaur from fossils found in both the state of Montana in the U.S. and Alberta, Canada. The enormous creature which has been named Mercuriceratops gemini, was believed to have been about 20 feet long and weighed around two tons. The dinosaur was thought to have lived around 76 million years ago during the Cretaceous period.
The animal appeared to have a winged like shaped head with a parrot type of beak. It is also thought that the creature had two long horns located just about its eyes and belonged to an assemblage of dinosaurs who ate plants.
Lead research study author Michael Ryan, who is also a curator of vertebrate paleontology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, explained that Mercuriceratops went on an exclusive evolutionary path which helped shape the huge addition on the back of its skull into distended wings, kind of like embellished fins on classic cars. These animals would have most definitively stood out from the rest of the herd.
The North American horned dinosaur used its long skull embellishment to spot another of its kind and attract a mate. It also helped protect itself from predators. The winged extensions on the sides of its head might have given the male Mercuriceratops a competitive edge in drawing a mate, stated Ryan.
The neck guard of Mercuriceratops was what ended up making it such a rare species. It is believed that the development of Mercuriceratops was what caused the larger variation in horned dinosaur crowning than was formerly believed, described research study co-author
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